There is greater potential in your life than finding your identity in sports. As an athlete, it’s natural to feel like you have more potential than what is showing up in practice or in the heat of competition. And when you don’t feel like you’re living up to expectations, the pressure starts to build. 

Living up to your potential is more than what you can do on your own. There’s more to life than playing for the scoreboard. In fact, your potential shouldn’t just be measured by athletic achievements. It should be measured by who God says you are. There is a greater purpose wrapped up in your potential when your potential is wrapped up in Him.


There is greater potential in your life than finding your identity in sports. As an athlete, it’s natural to feel like you have more potential than what is showing up in practice or in the heat of competition. And when you don’t feel like you’re living up to expectations, the pressure starts to build. 

Living up to your potential is more than what you can do on your own. There’s more to life than playing for the scoreboard. In fact, your potential shouldn’t just be measured by athletic achievements. It should be measured by who God says you are. There is a greater purpose wrapped up in your potential when your potential is wrapped up in Him.


Jesus spoke to them again: “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.” 

-John 8:12

You have more potential than finding your identity in your sport.




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